
Methods: Planning consistently happens in three areas, personal, ministry and organization and on three levels, strategic, tactical and operational

30 Feedback Questions For Church Strategic Planning

Kenneth Blanchard has said that “feedback is the breakfast of leaders.” A key component of any church strategic planning process is to secure feedback from stakeholders. For churches this usually includes Bible Study Teachers, Ministry Leaders, Staff and Church Governance Leaders such as Deacons and Elders.

But it can also include specific demographics such as Young Marrieds, New Members, Prospects, Single Adults and Students.

Feedback is typically received in two ways, through surveys or with focus groups or teams. The four sets of questions listed below, are designed to be distributed, completed and returned manually or electronically or may be used in facilitated group settings.

Use these to receive comprehensive feedback from your congregation as a foundation for your church’s strategic planning process.


 “What are the unique needs and opportunities for ministry in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and World?”

  1. What are the unique needs in our City? In our County? In our Region?
  2. What ministry opportunities do the industries and businesses specific to our community offer?
  3. What ministry opportunities do prominent community events offer?
  4. What are the unique ethnic groups in our area that present an opportunity for ministry?
  5. What other unique demographic or mosaic groups are there in our area that provides an opportunity for ministry?
  6. What is the most significant change in our community in the last decade and what need or opportunity does that create?
  7. Because of our specific location and facilities, what solutions and opportunities could we provide that no other church in our area can do as well?
  8. What “hot issues” are the local media covering that might be an opportunity for ministry?
  9. What international opportunities has God placed before us?


“What are the unique resources, strengths, gifts and capabilities that God brings together in us?”

  1. Who comes to our church? Who do we reach most effectively based on such factors as ethnicity, age, gender, life stage, and spiritual maturity?
  2. What spiritual gifts, passions and abilities seem to be prominent in our church?
  3. How do new members talk about what attracted them to our church?
  4. Why do people drive by other churches to come to our church?
  5. How do other church staff and denominational leaders describe our church? What are we known for?
  6. What stories or circumstances illustrate our congregational potential?
  7. What ministry has had the biggest Kingdom impact?
  8. What innovations/strategies have proved to be defining moments in our church’s history?


 “What particular focus most energizes and deeply moves our leadership?”

  1. What passions do our leaders most frequently express?
  2. What visions are burning bright in the heart of our leaders?
  3. What strategies do our leaders most frequently reference?
  4. What is the focus of our leader’s prayers?
  5. What missional language and vocabulary do our leaders frequently use?
  6. What shortcomings of the church bother our leadership most?
  7. What stories or circumstances illustrate the guiding passions of our past and current leaders?     


“What could our church look like in the future?

  1. What are your hopes and dreams for our church?
  2. What would our church look like if we reached our full potential?
  3. If we had unlimited resources and couldn’t fail, what would you like to see our church attempt?
  4. What are your concerns and fears for our church?
  5. What trends inside or outside the church could limit our effectiveness or impact?
  6. What are the greatest challenges ahead for our church?

What other church strategic planning questions would you add to this list?

Posted on September 22, 2015

Jim Baker

Jim is a Church Organizational Leadership and Management Coach, Consultant and Trainer. Throughout his career Jim has demonstrated a passion for showing Pastors and Ministers how to use organizational tools for church and personal growth and health.

More About Jim

“For I may be absent in body, but I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see how well ordered you are and the strength of your faith in Christ.” Colossians 2:5