What People Are Saying About Jim

Jim’s training, resources, and guidance has greatly influenced our church’s strategic planning processes and has been critical in our continued growth and health. He is a wizard with business systems and strategies; yet, he also understands that the church isn’t just a business endeavor! Jim has been a wealth of wisdom to me as a young and inexperienced Executive Pastor!

Craig McKown
Executive Pastor, Bridge Church, Spring Hill, TN

Jim offers training for our church planting residents by providing practical tools and proven methods for ensuring the ministry, and more importantly our hearts, can withstand the pressures and obstacles to come. He does not just talk about it though. He has been modeling this to our team for many years. We are thankful for Jim’s passion and his drive for drawing out in us what is most important to God.

Bob Carlton
Church Multiplication Minister, Brentwood Baptist Church, Brentwood, TN

While going through a re-visioning process in our congregation, Jim Baker provided an objective perspective on how to create processes and systems that were purposeful and ministry-minded.   Jim brings the heart of ministry and organizational necessities to the church in a way that builds harmony and unity. He has helped me and our people to move into a healthier place and to become a more effective ministry.

Todd Bishop
Minister of Families, Woodmont Baptist Church, Nashville, TN

When First Baptist Church Joelton wanted to establish a vision plan to move our church forward in intentional ministry, we called Jim Baker. Jim has an extensive knowledge and gift for helping churches think beyond their current situation and plan for the future. With his help, FBCJ has formalized an exciting vision to guide our ministry for the next five years.

Danny Davidson
Minister of Education and Administration, First Baptist Church Joelton, TN

Jim Baker has a rare ability to set biblical management principles for any large or small church initiative and then organize around that initiative while esteeming the roles of the pastor, staff, committee/elder(s), and the congregation.

While working with Jim I marveled as he handled thousands of super complex initiatives …  It was like watching the staff create an initiative for church growth on paper, then tear it up just for fun and throw it the air.

Jim was so organizationally skilled that he could, before the initiative hit the ground, catch, reassemble and hand it back in better shape than when we tossed it into the wind.

Seriously, Jim is amazing at moving a church organization forward for the kingdom of God.


Dr. Walter Jackson
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church Winter Park, Florida

Jim is a strong and trusted leader with extensive organizational experience. His clear passion and giftedness for personal and organizational leadership would compel any leader to seek his insight. In my executive leadership role, I continue to benefit from Jim’s well of expertise.

Richard Scott
Executive Pastor, Fellowship Bible Church, Brentwood, TN

Having had the privilege of serving with Jim for four years, I can’t think of a better GIFT to pastors than his following God’s call to share his skills through Sacred Structures.  Whether just starting out in ministry, in need of a tune up or even a complete overhaul in the areas of personal and organizational management and leadership, here is an opportunity to learn from the best!

Dr. Hess Hester
Senior Pastor, Southern Hills Baptist Church, Tulsa, OK

I first met Jim Baker when I was 12 and he was my basketball coach.  He was a great coach, but the memory that I carry today is that he cared about me as a person. For nearly 4 decades he has been a phone call away! Jim Baker brings in-the-trenches experience, practical help, excellent people skills, inspired communication and a passion for the local church and her ministers. Whether you know it or not, you ALWAYS need a coach. The Lord blessed me with one of the best.

John Bailey
Christian Camp Manager

Jim’s passion has always been to utilize his gifts of leadership and administration to equip men and women for ministry. With the heart of a shepherd and a keen understanding of church organizational structure, Jim has been a mentor and coach to hundreds of ministers and church members – myself included – throughout his 30+ years of ministry.  I am confident God will use Jim to do the same for you through his new ministry, Sacred Structures.

Mike Hickman
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Dyersburg, TN

As a church planter, I found myself in a difficult place: being strong in passion and enthusiasm, but weak in systems and structure. It was eating my lunch! Jim stepped in at just the right time and helped me realize that good management skills can be learned with a little hard work and a faithful guide. I’m thankful for Jim’s influence on my leadership and my church’s journey. I highly recommend Sacred Structures.

Jason Egly
Senior Pastor, Ekklesia Church, Nashville, TN