Staff Training
Healthy Church Planting Workshop

An interactive workshop targeting Church Planters in which selected principles from The Ten Sacred Structures for Healthy Ministers and Churches are used to teach the personal and organizational church leadership and management structures, practices and habits vital to healthy church planting.

Six Sources of Personal Power and Influence

  1. Spiritual
  2. Servant
  3. Expert
  4. Authority
  5. Charisma
  6. Coercive

Nine Sources of Organizational Power and Influence

  1. Prayer and Scripture
  2. Mission
  3. Values
  4. Vision
  5. Objectives
  6. Goals and Strategies
  7. People
  8. Budget
  9. Controls

The Cost

Half day workshops are $500 plus expenses; full day workshops are $900 plus expenses; multi-day workshops are $750 a day plus expenses.

Reduced rates are available for seminary student and church planter workshops. 10% of fees will be tithed back to the sponsoring church.

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Interested in Learning More?

I would love to schedule an initial no obligation phone conversation to get to know you and answer your questions.