Tag Archive: Conflict Management

Four Pathways to Yes Conflict Resolution Procedure

Navigating conflict is one of those “comes with the territory” responsibilities of church leadership. Yet, most ministers I know, myself included, avoid conflict at all costs and only address conflict as a last resort and with great reluctance. Inevitably, failing to address the conflict early leads to even greater and unnecessary issues that eventually requires the leader’s diplomacy. As with... Continue Reading

How To Respond To “Everyone’s Saying…….”

If you have served on church staff or in positions of church leadership for any length of time you have heard statements such as: “Everyone’s saying…….” “Everybody thinks…….” “A lot of people are……..” “I’ve had many people tell me……..” “People wish you would……..” “I’ve heard people say……..” “Everyone wants to know……” “Nobody believes that…….” “A ton of people want………” “No... Continue Reading

The P.A.U.S.E Approach to Cooperative Negotiation

Pastors have learned that where two or more are gathered, there will be conflict. This means if you avoid addressing conflict, you avoid a major responsibility of ministry. Ken Sande, in his classic book, The Peacemaker, recommends pastors consider an approach he calls cooperative negotiation when managing personal or corporate conflict. He notes that cooperative negotiation is highly recommended in... Continue Reading