
An Election Year Guide To Religion And Politics

We’ve just completed back-to-back political conventions and the election is a little more than two months from now and religion and politics has emerged as a hot topic for both Democrats and Republicans. It appears there are two primary forms of expression being use by political parties regarding religion and politics: first, seeing religion as faith in God, love of... Continue Reading

The Certitude Paradox – Every Leader Must Understand It

Certitude is defined as an “absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.” A paradox is where seemingly contradictory statements are both true. Certitude for leaders is a paradox, a blessing and a curse, a help and a hindrance. Let’s take a closer look at the certitude paradox. Truth: Certitude Is Helpful Having convictions is not a bad thing.... Continue Reading

The One Question Test To Identify A Micromanager Pastor

The Micromanager can be found in every organization, including and maybe especially in churches. Most every minister has a story to tell about a micromanager pastor. Why are pastors prone to becoming micromanagers? Micromanagement stems from insecurity and lack of trust, and pastors are often insecure and distrustful………and for good reason. No one is a more frequent target for criticism... Continue Reading

The Two Disappointments Goals Oriented People Must Prepare For

Goal setting and the pursuit of goals is generally perceived as positive activities for any person or organization wishing to accomplish meaningful results. What is rarely acknowledged is the two disappointments that accompany the pursuit of goals. One of the two disappointments is that of failing to reach a goal. The other is when one successfully achieves a goal. Let’s... Continue Reading

How Do You Discern God’s Will?

“How can I discern God’s will for my life?” “How can I be sure of God’s guidance in my decisions?” “God, what should I do?” All believers have asked questions like these. For many of us, the question of God’s will rarely enters into our decisions apart from those critical times when we realize that a specific decision could affect... Continue Reading

Christian Contemplation And Meditation: What Is The Difference?

What is the difference between Christian meditation and contemplation? It’s a tricky question, complicated and confused by the fact that words like meditation and contemplation are used in a variety of ways. Below is a brief summary of several respected definitions. Christian Meditation and Contemplation Defined The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that, “the Christian tradition comprises three major expressions of the life... Continue Reading

What is Contemplative Christianity?

Increasingly I see mature Christians exploring and engaging in the contemplative way as a means of going deeper in faith and love. What then is contemplative Christianity? provides excellent explanations, definitions, and resources for those desiring to learn more about the contemplative way. Here are some excerpts from their website. The History, Practices And Goals Of Contemplative Christianity  ... Continue Reading

The Church Needs Less Precept And More Concept And Percept Thinking

There is a fundamental difference between ancient indigenous peoples, ancient Greeks, and modern Americans that provides timely insight for today’s church leaders. Today we are people of precept. We are rule and law driven society that relies on documents such as the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and laws passed by elected officials to bring order to our lives. We... Continue Reading

Understanding The Five Stress Related Responses

As an Executive Pastor I became well acquainted with my own stress related responses as well as of those I worked with. I observed that under stress we tend to choose one of five courses of action: Fight, Flight, Flock, Freeze, or Appease. These approaches can be observed in tense meetings, confrontations, conversations…..any anxiety inducing circumstance. Often we have a... Continue Reading

The Curse Of Familiarity

I find it ironic that familiarity often leads to complacency. This is true in relationships, in our work, and even in our spiritual journey. When we are familiar with something we often lose the energy, mystery, meaning, and excitement of it. Through familiarity we can easily become numb to our homes, where we live, our friendships, jobs, and even our... Continue Reading

What’s Most Needed Now Is A Vision Process That Focuses On The Positive

It is at times when problems seem insurmountable that churches and organizations most need to focus on a positive vision for the future, rather than merely avoiding a negative one. Behavioral research has shown that when groups focus on solving problems, they soon become depressed and anxious, but when they formulate plans by working backward from a positive future they... Continue Reading

Why Do So Many Church Vision And Change Processes Fail To Inspire?

According to Gallup’s recent State of the American Workplace report, only 22% of U.S. employees strongly agree that their company’s leaders have a clear direction for their organization. My guess is those numbers are similar for churches as well. Certainly most church leaders spend significant time and resources defining and communicating their church’s vision. So, why then do so many... Continue Reading