
Do You Have Someone Who Protects You From Your Worst Impulses?

Under the right circumstances, all leaders are susceptible to voicing or acting on their worst impulses. We each have a deeply seated dark side characterized by impure motives, emotional outbursts, and ungodly behavior that surface as impulsive words and deeds in the face of leadership responsibilities and pressures. It is in times such as these that we need someone who... Continue Reading

How To Disagree Without Being Disagreeable

Have you noticed how much more disagreeing is going on now with the pervasiveness of the internet and the increased use of social media? It used to be that writers wrote and readers read. Now, the internet allows readers to respond with their own perspectives, and it seems that most who do, comment on something they disagree with. This has... Continue Reading

Become More Discerning Using Your Three Intelligence Centers

Most of us will admit to having difficulty at times in hearing God and discerning His heart and mind in the moment. Yet, Scripture tells us that God is closer to us than our very breath, and that His Spirit is in us and around us. Fortunately, there are many spiritual disciplines, exercises, and practices that the Spirit can work... Continue Reading

Praying “The Jesus Prayer”

I invite you to engage in a contemplative spiritual practice with a familiar Eastern Orthodox prayer, “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” The Jesus Prayer is mirrored after the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14, where the tax collector said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.” The Jesus... Continue Reading

What Is Spiritual Reading And Why Is It Important?

Spiritual reading is reading with an inner attentiveness to the movement of God’s Spirit in our outer and inner lives. With that attentiveness, we will allow God to read us and to explain to us what we are truly about–Henri Nouwen Guido of Arezzo, a Benedictine monk in 11th Century Italy, defines spiritual reading as “a sustained receptivity to a... Continue Reading

Everybody Needs a Caregiver

Not surprisingly, when Gallup polled Americans and asked them to think about the best teacher they ever had, the most common word they used to describe them was “caring.” What students need at their core is caring. As a wise teacher once said, “at the end of the day, they won’t remember all we taught them, but they will remember... Continue Reading

Spiritual Practice: Peace Be Still

“Storm on the Sea” As a spiritual practice, read Mark 4:35-41. Place yourself in the boat with the disciples, becoming one of them as you read. Look at the picture icon of Storm on the Sea. This icon illustrates the peaceful space in Jesus. Icons are “prayer helps” that have been used in the church for centuries. They are not... Continue Reading

Spiritual Practice: Paying Attention To Your Breath

Meditation, yoga, and other stress-reducing therapies teach that slowing down and focusing on the timing and pace of our breath can have positive effects on our body and mind. A recent study in the Journal of Neurophysiology may support this, revealing that brain regions linked to emotion, attention, and body awareness are activated when we pay attention to our breath. This study... Continue Reading

The Spiritual Practice Of Prompted Prayers

Like most people of faith, over the years I have practiced various forms of prayer and have settled in on a few that are the most meaningful. One of those I call “prompted prayers.” I refer to them as prompted prayers because they are prayers that are brought to mind by some cue, usually something visual. For centuries, those of... Continue Reading

Spiritual Practice: Be Still And Know

January is a great time to consider our spiritual growth plan for the coming year. In the coming weeks I will share several spiritual practices you may wish to add to your daily spiritual regimen. I define a spiritual practice as “a regular rendezvous with God with no other agenda than to know and experience His presence and love.” A... Continue Reading

Top 10 Free Resources In 2019

Below are links to the Top 10 Free Resources in 2019. To view all 75 Sacred Structures Free Resources click HERE. Happy New Year! Church Or Ministry SWOT Analysis Worksheet  New Ministry Proposal Template  Measure What Matters – 100 Meaningful Church Metrics  Ministerial Staff Annual Evaluation Template  Administrative Staff Annual Evaluation Template  Church Staff Annual Goal Template  25 Questions Every... Continue Reading