
Assessing the Health of Your Eight Organic Church Systems

Today much is being written about the importance of the church being “organic” as well as being “systems” based. Using the following definitions we can see these are not mutually exclusive. “Organic” may be defined as having fundamental characteristics of or deriving from living things. A “system” may be defined as a combination of parts that work together in a synergistic... Continue Reading

Three Easy To Use Church Staff Surveys

In our last post, Five Keys to Successful Church Staff Surveys, we examined how to plan, design and implement effective church staff surveys. Below are three examples to jump start your survey planning using open ended questions, yes-no questions and a 1-5 scale. STAFF SURVEY USING OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 1. What is the most impacting ministry inside the church? Outside? 2.... Continue Reading

Five Keys To Successful Church Staff Surveys

Employees are essential to the success of any church. Surveys can provide a means of gathering the information needed to bless and keep employees motivated. Church staff surveys, when done well, can be a valuable tool to engage employees and provide understanding of how employees perceive their job, their leaders, their co-workers and the church as a whole. Other benefits... Continue Reading

30 Feedback Questions For Church Strategic Planning

Kenneth Blanchard has said that “feedback is the breakfast of leaders.” A key component of any church strategic planning process is to secure feedback from stakeholders. For churches this usually includes Bible Study Teachers, Ministry Leaders, Staff and Church Governance Leaders such as Deacons and Elders. But it can also include specific demographics such as Young Marrieds, New Members, Prospects,... Continue Reading

Church Staff Interview Questions Every Personnel Committee Should Know

 Effective interviewers of prospective church staff don’t consider themselves excellent interviewers just because they are a “good judge of character.” They know how to conduct an interview that asks the right questions which requires time and preparation. By following these suggestions, your comfort and skill as an interviewer will increase: Open the interview with prayer for the candidate and you!... Continue Reading

100 Soul Care Questions for Ministers

  The greatest need of the hour for today’s minister may very well be a more intentional approach to their own soul care, to paying attention to their “inner spiritual life.” The minister’s inner person must be constantly renewed and without regular introspection and self-examination minister’s run the risk of a fruitless ministry or “sudden failure.” The good tree, Jesus... Continue Reading

Measuring What Matters – 100 Meaningful Church Measurements

Finding the right measurements and defining the results to be measured is a significant challenge for the church. The things that matter most – transformed lives, spiritual growth, fruits of the spirit, congregational health – are the most difficult to measure. And, numbers can be misleading, inaccurate and not tell the whole story. But is it worth the time and... Continue Reading

25 Easy To Use Church Strategic Planning Exercises

Stephen Covey is noted for saying, “Without involvement, there is no commitment.” Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, and underline it. No involvement, no commitment. Those are strong words but needed admonishment for those of us who lead in the local church, for broad engagement is one of the things I see as most lacking in church strategic planning.... Continue Reading

When Ministry Pruning You Better Wear Gloves

After moving to Northern New Mexico and discovering several fruit trees and rose bushes in my back yard, I am still learning to appreciate the necessity and skill of pruning. I easily cut off the dead and dying branches but it feels counterintuitive and I often lack the courage to cut back live limbs. I am still learning to trust... Continue Reading

20 Questions To Discern Good From Best

“Good is the enemy of great” is the first sentence of Jim Collins’ business best seller, Good to Great. Collins goes on to say, “and that is one of the reasons that we have so little that becomes great.  We don’t have great schools, principally because we have good schools. We don’t have great government, principally because we have good... Continue Reading

Change These Three Factors or Face Obsolescence

 “It is not the strongest species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are the most responsive to change.” – Charles Darwin Typically, when we say something is obsolete we mean it is out of date, no longer produced or used, or has been replaced by something new. And, the term “obsolescence” can be applied to people,... Continue Reading

The Pain Pill Doctor Approach To Change Leadership

Suppose I wake up one morning with a crick in my neck that won’t go away. I go to my family physician and he prescribes pain pills to alleviate my pain. But, the next day I wake up with my crick worse than the day before so I go to my chiropractor who gives me an adjustment and assures me... Continue Reading