
Measurement: Execution is insured through measuring the right things, aligning each part to the whole, and establishing controls and reporting systems

Three Easy To Use Church Staff Surveys

Listen To Me Sign Shows Notice Or MessageIn our last post, Five Keys to Successful Church Staff Surveys, we examined how to plan, design and implement effective church staff surveys. Below are three examples to jump start your survey planning using open ended questions, yes-no questions and a 1-5 scale.


1. What is the most impacting ministry inside the church? Outside?

2. What would you like to see included in or deleted from Staff Meetings?

3. What subjects would you like to see covered in staff wide self development opportunities?

4. What ministries of the church would you like to learn more about?

5. How can the Annual Review Process be improved?

6. If I could communicate one thing to our Senior Leadership it would be:

7. What cultural value would you like to see more broadly embraced?

8. How can the Senior Leadership better communicate with you?

9. Why is our church a good place to work?

10. Why is our church a not so good place to work?

11. What is one thing we could do to improve communication, collaboration and synergy between staff and ministries?

12. What upcoming change are you most fearing?

13. What ministry opportunities are we not taking advantage of?

14. What are common patterns you see in the people God is bringing to our church?

15. My church would be more helpful to me if:


1. I would recommend our church as a great place to work/minister.

2. I know where to go to get authority when I need to make a decision.

3. I know how to communicate what my boss wishes to see done.

4. I have documented the tasks of my job should someone have to take my place.

5. I understand our compensation and benefits system.

6. I track examples of my performance throughout the year for use in quarterly and annual reviews.

7. I clearly know my responsibilities.

8. I am confident that my supervisor can (competency) and will (motivation) help me reach my goals and objectives.

9. I understand the “why” behind at least 80% of what we do.

10. I can support at least 80% of the goals, strategies and methods of the church.

11. I understand our church’s mission, vision and values.

12. I understand my gifts and strengths.

13. I get to use my gifts and strengths on a daily basis.

14. My area of ministry receives an appropriate amount of promotion and visibility.

15. My spiritual growth is a priority, and I feel supported by the Senior Leadership in my faith walk.

16. When I do a great job, my contributions are recognized and appreciated.

17. My supervisor provides feedback and coaching, which helps me do a better job.

18. I have ideas to contribute to the objectives of the church, and feel that I have opportunities to share my ideas.


1 – Strongly Agree; 2 – Agree; 3 – Somewhat Agree; 4 – Disagree; 5 – Strongly Disagree

Section 1: Questions About Your IMMEDIATE Supervisor:

1. My immediate supervisor clearly communicates what is expected of me in my job.

2. My immediate supervisor provides the resources I need to do my work effectively.

3. My immediate supervisor consistently gives me the opportunity to do what I do best.

4. My immediate supervisor seems to care about me as a person.

5. My immediate supervisor gives me consistent recognition and praise for good work.

6. My immediate supervisor encourages and supports my professional development.

7. My immediate supervisor regularly (at least quarterly) talks with me about my progress.

8. My immediate supervisor offers me opportunities to learn and grow.

9. My immediate supervisor communicates the importance of my job to the mission of the church

10. My immediate supervisor displays Christ-like servant leadership.

11. My opinions seem to matter to my immediate supervisor.

Section 2: Questions About Your Work Environment

1. My fellow employees are committed to performing quality work.

2. I understand the rationale behind at least 80% of our church-wide strategies.

3. I have a close friend at work.

4. The church sees my spiritual growth as a priority and I feel supported in my faith walk.

Section 3: Your Overall Satisfaction with our church as a place to work

On a five point scale, where “5” is extremely satisfied and “1” is extremely dissatisfied, how satisfied are you with our church as a place to work?

Section 4: Additional Written Comments

Additional comments you would like to share with the Pastor, Executive Pastor and Personnel Team:


Posted on October 13, 2015

Jim Baker

Jim is a Church Organizational Leadership and Management Coach, Consultant and Trainer. Throughout his career Jim has demonstrated a passion for showing Pastors and Ministers how to use organizational tools for church and personal growth and health.

More About Jim

“For I may be absent in body, but I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see how well ordered you are and the strength of your faith in Christ.” Colossians 2:5