Might: Spiritual, organizational, personal and positional sources and resources are appropriately used to make decisions and develop people

The Minister’s 20 Question Spiritual Health Assessment

One of the most challenging yet essential responsibilities of ministers is to monitor their spiritual health. I have found this assessment developed by my good friend and mentor Keith Meyer, author of “Whole Life Transformation…….Becoming the Change Your Church Needs,” can help discern the status of your gauges by answering each question with a green (consistently), yellow (frequently), orange (infrequently), or red (seldom... Continue Reading

Being and Doing: The Paradox Every Believer Must Embrace

As you depart many churches today there are signs indicating “You are Now Entering the Mission Field.” The signs are there to remind attenders that missions is not just overseas but also where they live, work and play. At the gate to Christ in the Desert Monastery in Northern New Mexico there is a hand crafted metal sculpture that reads simply... Continue Reading