
Measurement: Execution is insured through measuring the right things, aligning each part to the whole, and establishing controls and reporting systems

10 Church Goal Measurements To Jump Start Your Planning


Do you have a “brain freeze” when you sit down to write your annual ministry goals?

Staring at a blank piece of paper wondering where to start is a common and daunting experience for most of us.

Admittedly, much of what we do in life and in ministry is difficult to quantify apart from anecdotal evidence. But, often we simply haven’t thought about measurement in the right context.

Application: Common Church Goal Measurements

Try scanning these ten church goal measurements as you consider the varied ways to measure what God is prompting you to accomplish in your church and ministry.

  1. Numerical:  “Grow Sunday School to an average of 800 in weekly attendance by December 31, 2014″
  2. Percentage:  “Equip 50% of our members to share their faith by December 31, 2014”
  3. Strategic:  “Establish and fund a Marketplace Ministry in 2014 to equip members to integrate their faith in Christ with their work”
  4. Staff Related:  “Partner with three Christian colleges to hire and equip 4 ministry interns annually by the year 2015”
  5. Bricks and Mortar: “Complete the Student Life Building by the fall of 2015”
  6. Monetary:  “Reallocate $50,000 of the 2014 church budget to missions”
  7. Volunteers: “Identify, enlist and train four new preschool teachers in 2014”
  8. Performance: “Submit my expenses to the Business Office by the due date 100% of the time”
  9. Special Projects: “Develop, promote, enlist and lead a church wide trip to the Holy Land in October of 2014”
  10. Developmental: “Take a typing class to increase my typing skills as evidenced by typing 50 words a minute with no errors.

Action: What other ministry and church goal measurements can you identify?



Posted on July 8, 2014

Jim Baker

Jim is a Church Organizational Leadership and Management Coach, Consultant and Trainer. Throughout his career Jim has demonstrated a passion for showing Pastors and Ministers how to use organizational tools for church and personal growth and health.

More About Jim

“For I may be absent in body, but I am with you in spirit, rejoicing to see how well ordered you are and the strength of your faith in Christ.” Colossians 2:5