Tag Archive: Planning

A Simple Planning Process

It has been said, if you don’t know where you are going, any path will take you there. And, if you aim at nothing you will be sure to hit it. Scripture illustrates, beginning in Genesis, that planning is in the nature and character of God. We are designed to plan in partnership with Him. Therefore, planning is a critical... Continue Reading

Evolutionary or Revolutionary Planning?

Things stay the same unless they change. Change is required for progress and planning is essential to progress – no planning usually means no positive change. But, how do you determine what needs to be changed and how much change is required? I have always found it helpful to begin with a thorough review of existing ministries, programs, strategies, processes... Continue Reading

The STOP Approach to Planning

  There are three levels of planning and decision making required in developing a comprehensive plan: Strategic, Tactical and Operational Planning. Strategic Planning decisions are the broadest and most general, Operational Planning decisions are the most narrow and specific, and Tactical Planning decisions fall in between. Leaders can use the STOP approach as a roadmap in developing and communicating plans, and ensuring the... Continue Reading

25 Easy To Use Church Strategic Planning Exercises

Stephen Covey is noted for saying, “Without involvement, there is no commitment.” Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, and underline it. No involvement, no commitment. Those are strong words but needed admonishment for those of us who lead in the local church, for broad engagement is one of the things I see as most lacking in church strategic planning.... Continue Reading

12 Sources For Discovering Church Uniqueness

  My pastor, Dr. Mike Glenn likes to say, “There is a reason Baskin Robbins has 31 different flavors.” His point is that God has purposefully designed each church distinctive and unique from any church that ever has or ever will exist. With that unique design comes a calling and a set of ministry assignments that are distinctive. Just as an... Continue Reading

10 Church Goal Measurements To Jump Start Your Planning

Do you have a “brain freeze” when you sit down to write your annual ministry goals? Staring at a blank piece of paper wondering where to start is a common and daunting experience for most of us. Admittedly, much of what we do in life and in ministry is difficult to quantify apart from anecdotal evidence. But, often we simply... Continue Reading

Planning God’s Way

  “Failing to plan is planning to fail” is a well known maxim I can relate to. I don’t know about you but in the press of the demands of life and work I am tempted to neglect planning, often to my detriment and the detriment of others. So, from time to time I need to be encouraged to take... Continue Reading