The Ground is Level at the Foot of the Cross
Medium: Antique Wood Levels, 1800’s English Bible, Antique Pulleys, Nepalese Paper, Waxed Linen Thread, Ethiopian Coptic Stitching;
Artist Statement: Have you ever heard the phrase – ‘The ground is level at the foot of the cross’? That line comes from the lyrics of an old song:
“You may own earth’s silver, have riches untold, but all of earth’s wealth, my friend won’t save your soul.
You may live in a mansion, all the world knows your name; but at the foot of the cross, my friend, everyone stands the same.”
“The ground is level at the foot of the cross. Anyone may come there for there is no cost. Rich man or poor man, bonded or free. The ground was leveled that day at Calvary.”
The Cross of Christ is the great leveler of mankind. The rich, the poor, the famous, and the unknown, as well as all who fall between are equal before God.
32H X 16W X 3D