Tag Archive: Church Staff Surveys

Eight Church Staff Culture Building Assessments, Surveys and Questionnaires

Building a healthy and engaged church staff culture is a never ending process that requires a consistent and ongoing intentionality. And, because there are so many factors that influence staff culture it helps to come at it from a variety of different angles and approaches. Below are some of the tools, surveys, assessments, and questions I have successfully used as... Continue Reading

Three Easy To Use Church Staff Surveys

In our last post, Five Keys to Successful Church Staff Surveys, we examined how to plan, design and implement effective church staff surveys. Below are three examples to jump start your survey planning using open ended questions, yes-no questions and a 1-5 scale. STAFF SURVEY USING OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 1. What is the most impacting ministry inside the church? Outside? 2.... Continue Reading

Five Keys To Successful Church Staff Surveys

Employees are essential to the success of any church. Surveys can provide a means of gathering the information needed to bless and keep employees motivated. Church staff surveys, when done well, can be a valuable tool to engage employees and provide understanding of how employees perceive their job, their leaders, their co-workers and the church as a whole. Other benefits... Continue Reading