Tag Archive: conflict resolution

Six Streams That Create Rivers of Conflict

A rushing river is fed by many smaller streams of various sizes. And, so it is with personal and church conflict. Rarely is there a singular event or issue that can be pointed to as the source of a conflict. In most church conflicts there are many contributing factors, some more impactful and challenging than others. The RIVERS acronym is a... Continue Reading

How To Discover The Appropriate Conflict Management Style

As we noted in the post The Five Choices We Make In Conflict Resolution, conflict management is essential to effective ministry and being able to employ various conflict management styles improves the likelihood of a healthy outcome. We introduced the Thomas-Kilman Conflict Mode Instrument and its five modes of conflict management as an approach to consider. In his book, Discover... Continue Reading

Four Principles and Questions for Conflict Resolution Conversations

Ken Sande is an attorney and the president and founder of Peacemaker Ministries. He has helped hundreds of churches and ministers overcome disputes and resolve conflict by using biblical peacemaking principles and questions. Summarized in his classic book, The Peacemaker, Sande’s Four G’s provide a simple yet comprehensive approach to resolving any type of conflict.  The Peacemaker’s Four G’s For... Continue Reading

The Five Choices We Make in Conflict Resolution

Conflict abounds in the church. Because no two individuals have exactly the same expectations, needs, perspectives and desires, conflict is a natural part of our daily interactions. Research shows that most ministers spend several hours a week addressing some form of conflict. In the majority of cases, the outcomes are unsatisfactory and lead to personal fall-outs, pain, disharmony, and distractions... Continue Reading

A Church Conflict Resolution Procedure

The church, like any organization, is not immune to conflict and disagreement. Regretfully, church members practice many unhealthy methods for dealing with conflicts, grievances and disagreements. These include but are not limited to, parking lot and hallway meetings, complaining to others, hearsay gossip, passive aggressive behavior, verbal personal attacks, withdrawal and isolation. Ken Sande, president and founder of Peacemaker Ministries,... Continue Reading