Tag Archive: Measurement

The Heisenberg Principle: A Powerful Measurement Principle

A “principle” is a fundamental law or truth that serves as the foundation for a system of belief, behavior or chain of reasoning. Principles are essential to comprehension, understanding, and effective decision making. The Heisenberg Principle The purpose and practice of measurement can also be better grasped when rooted in a principle. One such principle is commonly referred to as... Continue Reading

Three Easy To Use Church Staff Surveys

In our last post, Five Keys to Successful Church Staff Surveys, we examined how to plan, design and implement effective church staff surveys. Below are three examples to jump start your survey planning using open ended questions, yes-no questions and a 1-5 scale. STAFF SURVEY USING OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS 1. What is the most impacting ministry inside the church? Outside? 2.... Continue Reading

Measuring What Matters – 100 Meaningful Church Measurements

Finding the right measurements and defining the results to be measured is a significant challenge for the church. The things that matter most – transformed lives, spiritual growth, fruits of the spirit, congregational health – are the most difficult to measure. And, numbers can be misleading, inaccurate and not tell the whole story. But is it worth the time and... Continue Reading

How to Set Goals that Get Results

The well known Zig Ziglar quote, ‘if you aim at nothing you will be sure to hit it every time’ speaks to the importance of setting measureable goals. Goals that can’t be measured are of little value if you desire to know whether or not you are hitting the mark. Regretfully, most people who do set goals, do so incorrectly... Continue Reading