
Fundamentals of Church Staff Performance Management

Employee performance management may be defined as a standardized set of processes and systems used to create clear goals and track and coach employee progress efficiently and effectively. The overall goal of the performance management of a church staff is to ensure that the church and all of its employees, departments and ministries are working together synergistically and in optimum... Continue Reading

Ten Steps You Must Follow in Hiring Church Staff

Jim Collins, author of the best seller Good to Great, says “The most important decisions that businesspeople make are not what decisions, but who decisions.” The same can be said for Pastors and Personnel Committees. There are few things that will create more dysfunction in a church than hiring the wrong person. And there are few things that will help... Continue Reading

15 Questions To Inspire Your Annual Self-Development Plan

Unless Things Change They Stay The Same. Why is this simple truth so difficult for us to embrace in our churches and our personal lives? Fear, complacency, ignorance, lack of accountability or discipline can all be contributors. Effective ministry leaders discover ways to overcome these barriers to change by constantly re-inventing themselves through self-development. This commitment to personal change allows... Continue Reading

How to Set SMART Goals for the Coming Year

As you reflect on possible goals for the new year use the SMART Goals acrostic to insure your goals are Specific, Measureable, Realistic and measure accomplishment of an objective over a defined period of Time. Here is a quick review of this sure fire way to set better goals: The SMART Goal Formula Specific:  Use the five W’s…….Who, What, When, Where and Why to think through... Continue Reading

A Spiritual Depth Interview Guide for Church Personnel Committees

Over the years of countless ministry interviews I was consistently amazed at the number of candidates that expressed this was their first church interview where they were asked questions about their spirituality. And, this experience is continually affirmed as I consult with churches and coach ministers. Why do churches not ask spiritual questions of prospective spiritual leaders? It appears that... Continue Reading

Top 10 Mistakes Made In Hiring Church Staff

Over time I have come to accept that hiring church staff is an inexact science – one that can’t be reduced to a simple system, process or formula. That said, I have learned there are certain systems, processes and practices that do increase the likelihood of a successful hire. And, I have found Sam Walton’s response to the question of... Continue Reading

Job Prioritization Stair Step

A church leader’s job today is a lot like gardening. There is always something else that needs to be done. Typically the first solution we see is to work longer hours and require others to work longer hours. This goes on until higher turnover and burnout results. The second solution for the enterprising leader is to read time management books... Continue Reading

Six Processes and Systems of a Healthy Church Staff Culture

There is no singular cause and effect relationship in creating a church staff culture that is characterized by unity, high morale, clear communication, high retention rates, healthy conflict resolution, cross discipline collaboration and strategic ministry leadership and management. The building blocks of a healthy church staff culture is the synergy that results from the skillful integration of six personnel related... Continue Reading

The Six Pathways to Personhood Awareness and Understanding

Personhood is defined as the state or act of having human characteristics and emotions. Personhood awareness and understanding involves insights into why one functions and relates as he/she does and how personhood impacts their behavior and relationships. Personhood issues have to do with one’s self-perception, personal identity, character, personality, emotions, fears, insecurities, compulsions, drives, gifts, talents, strengths, weaknesses and relationship... Continue Reading

Loving Union and Communion with God Assessment

We are called to ministry out of our love for Jesus. Yet, almost immediately the activity of our lives (“doing” for Jesus) begins to eclipse the contemplative dimension of our lives (“being” with Jesus). Soon we are engaged in more activity for God than our being with God can sustain. Our prioritization of doing for God over being with God... Continue Reading

Spiritual and Organizational Church Leadership Health Assessment

Understandably, the minister’s education and training focuses for the most part on developing biblical knowledge and spiritual leadership skills and attributes. Yet, within weeks, if not days, of arriving at their first job in the local church the minister learns they need another set of leadership skills and attributes……those of an organizational leader. In Acts 6 we see this need... Continue Reading

Assessing the Health of Your Church Organizational Systems

A good organizational structure can often spell the difference between a smooth operating church and one in chaos. A healthy organizational structure includes intentional and aligned systems that establish how the church operates and assists the church in obtaining its mission, vision, priorities, goals and strategies. The following 10 statements reflect the attributes of a church with healthy and functional organizational... Continue Reading