Manpower: People are selected and placed in positions that fit their gifts, passions and callings and that align with the church’s objectives and culture

A Spiritual Depth Interview Guide for Church Personnel Committees

Over the years of countless ministry interviews I was consistently amazed at the number of candidates that expressed this was their first church interview where they were asked questions about their spirituality. And, this experience is continually affirmed as I consult with churches and coach ministers. Why do churches not ask spiritual questions of prospective spiritual leaders? It appears that... Continue Reading

Top 10 Mistakes Made In Hiring Church Staff

Over time I have come to accept that hiring church staff is an inexact science – one that can’t be reduced to a simple system, process or formula. That said, I have learned there are certain systems, processes and practices that do increase the likelihood of a successful hire. And, I have found Sam Walton’s response to the question of... Continue Reading

Six Processes and Systems of a Healthy Church Staff Culture

There is no singular cause and effect relationship in creating a church staff culture that is characterized by unity, high morale, clear communication, high retention rates, healthy conflict resolution, cross discipline collaboration and strategic ministry leadership and management. The building blocks of a healthy church staff culture is the synergy that results from the skillful integration of six personnel related... Continue Reading

Church Staff Interview Questions Every Personnel Committee Should Know

 Effective interviewers of prospective church staff don’t consider themselves excellent interviewers just because they are a “good judge of character.” They know how to conduct an interview that asks the right questions which requires time and preparation. By following these suggestions, your comfort and skill as an interviewer will increase: Open the interview with prayer for the candidate and you!... Continue Reading

Become an Expert at Church Staff Interviews

Anecdotal evidence suggests nearly half of the hires in most churches prove to be less than a perfect fit. This shouldn’t be surprising in light of the fact Ministers are usually not formally trained in how to conduct an interview. Successful hiring goes beyond just being a “good judge of people.” Among other things, it involves a plan built around... Continue Reading