Might: Spiritual, organizational, personal and positional sources and resources are appropriately used to make decisions and develop people

6 Free Resources For Minister Soul Care

It has been said that “as the leader goes, so goes the organization.” More importantly, in the church “as the soul of the leader goes, so goes the leader and the church.” The greatest need of the hour for today’s minister may very well be a more intentional approach to their own soul care, to paying attention to their “inner spiritual... Continue Reading

What Is True Self-False Self?

Only with a single-minded attention to Christ can we give up our fears and face our own true nature. As we come to realize that it is not we who live, but Christ who lives in us, that he is our true self, we can begin to experience freedom as children of God–Henri Nouwen Every one of us is shadowed... Continue Reading

What Is Christian Mysticism And Why Is It Important?

Christian Mysticism is a complex spiritual topic and defies easy definition. Historically, mysticism is defined as hidden, unspeakable, can’t be put into words, an awareness and experience of the reality of God beyond ritual, doctrine, and dogma. Alan Watts (1915–1973), a British philosopher, put it this way: “The truth that religion, to be of any use, must be mystical has... Continue Reading

Does Christianity Really Have Mystical Foundations?

If Western Christianity does not discover its mystical foundations and roots, we might as well close the church doors–Rahner In the early 1960s, Jesuit theologian Karl Rahner (1904-1984) stated that if Western Christianity did not rediscover its mystical foundations, we might as well close the doors of the churches because we had lost the primary reason for our existence and... Continue Reading

Thomas Merton’s Most Famous Prayer – One That Anyone Can Pray

One of the characteristics of Christian contemplative spirituality is a humble acknowledgement that we do not understand the ground on which we stand, and yet have a child-like faith that God is present in every moment. It is out of this awareness that Thomas Merton shared this prayer in his book, “Through The Year With Thomas Merton.” My Lord God,... Continue Reading

The Certitude Paradox – Every Leader Must Understand It

Certitude is defined as an “absolute certainty or conviction that something is the case.” A paradox is where seemingly contradictory statements are both true. Certitude for leaders is a paradox, a blessing and a curse, a help and a hindrance. Let’s take a closer look at the certitude paradox. Truth: Certitude Is Helpful Having convictions is not a bad thing.... Continue Reading

How Do You Discern God’s Will?

“How can I discern God’s will for my life?” “How can I be sure of God’s guidance in my decisions?” “God, what should I do?” All believers have asked questions like these. For many of us, the question of God’s will rarely enters into our decisions apart from those critical times when we realize that a specific decision could affect... Continue Reading

Christian Contemplation And Meditation: What Is The Difference?

What is the difference between Christian meditation and contemplation? It’s a tricky question, complicated and confused by the fact that words like meditation and contemplation are used in a variety of ways. Below is a brief summary of several respected definitions. Christian Meditation and Contemplation Defined The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that, “the Christian tradition comprises three major expressions of the life... Continue Reading

What is Contemplative Christianity?

Increasingly I see mature Christians exploring and engaging in the contemplative way as a means of going deeper in faith and love. What then is contemplative Christianity? ContemplativeChristians.com provides excellent explanations, definitions, and resources for those desiring to learn more about the contemplative way. Here are some excerpts from their website. The History, Practices And Goals Of Contemplative Christianity  ... Continue Reading

Understanding The Five Stress Related Responses

As an Executive Pastor I became well acquainted with my own stress related responses as well as of those I worked with. I observed that under stress we tend to choose one of five courses of action: Fight, Flight, Flock, Freeze, or Appease. These approaches can be observed in tense meetings, confrontations, conversations…..any anxiety inducing circumstance. Often we have a... Continue Reading

Do You Have Someone Who Protects You From Your Worst Impulses?

Under the right circumstances, all leaders are susceptible to voicing or acting on their worst impulses. We each have a deeply seated dark side characterized by impure motives, emotional outbursts, and ungodly behavior that surface as impulsive words and deeds in the face of leadership responsibilities and pressures. It is in times such as these that we need someone who... Continue Reading

Become More Discerning Using Your Three Intelligence Centers

Most of us will admit to having difficulty at times in hearing God and discerning His heart and mind in the moment. Yet, Scripture tells us that God is closer to us than our very breath, and that His Spirit is in us and around us. Fortunately, there are many spiritual disciplines, exercises, and practices that the Spirit can work... Continue Reading